Wills And Estate Planning What Do I Need To Do?

by | Jan 12, 2022 | Latest News, News, Wills and Estate Planning, Wills and Estates

Many clients approach us for advice in relation to the area of wills and estates.

There are several things that need to be considered and we recommend the following:

  1. The first step is to look at preparing your will and/or updating a will particularly if your will is more than three years old.  Our experienced team can help you in preparation of your will preventing, hopefully, any disputes or conflicts between your beneficiaries and ensuring that you have an executor appointed.
  2. Many clients consult Rafton Family Lawyers for will and estate planning, in relation to a power of attorney and enduring guardianship. This helps to plan for the future with the preparation of a power of attorney for financial issues and an enduring guardianship document that can look at your individual circumstances and proposals for your future health needs. Both of these documents are recognized by many accredited organizations including the Department of Health NSW, Banks, and the Australian Taxation office.
  3. Testamentary trust and protection of your beneficiaries.  Our highly skilled wills and estate lawyers can look at protecting your beneficiaries after you pass away through the creation of a testamentary trust and another form of trust that will look out for children particularly those with disabilities and other dependence.
  4. Estate, Administration, and Probate.  If you have been appointed an executor under a will or if there is no will in place and a loved one has passed recently we can assist with applying for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration through the Supreme Court of NSW.  Our team of solicitors is able to assist in relation to this area.
  5. Disputing a will.  Wills are often highly contentious.  They can be complex and any consideration at disputing a will if you feel you have been left out or there has been incorrect provision made is best served by booking an initial consultation with an experienced lawyer in this area who can discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of contesting and what steps should be taken next.

Our team of solicitors at Penrith, Richmond, Sydney, Glenmore Park, and St Marys can assist.  Call us in 13004FAMILY