Family Law
Experiencing a relationship breakdown, whether it be a marriage or a de facto relationship or a relationship where children are involved, can be an extremely upsetting and emotional time for any person. Our team of accredited specialist family lawyers an assist you during this difficult period.
Separation and family breakdowns are difficult for everyone concerned.
At Rafton Family Lawyers we understand the complexities of family law and the importance of having an experienced family lawyer to guide you through the process of separation and divorce. Whether you are married or in a de-facto relationship, whether you have children or not, we can provide practical, cost-effective advice that will ensure you understand your rights and obligations throughout the process.
Divorce and separation
Separation does not necessarily lead to divorce but for couples who have been separated for 12 months and feel that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, divorce is an option.
We can help you through this difficult period by providing professional advice and guidance, and ultimately minimising the impact on you and your family.
For more information on this area, click on the relevant link below:
Separation – the First Steps
Mediation and Conferences
Going to Court
Legal Aid
Our Fees
Collaborative family law (lets you negotiate your divorce and settlement without having to go to Court)
Collaborative Family Law is a relatively new approach in Australia. It involves you, your former partner and your respective lawyers, negotiating the terms of your own settlement and any children’s issues. The negotiation takes place in person, around a table, and is designed to ensure that both parties needs and wishes are heard and taken into consideration. Experts from a variety of fields, such as accountants, financial advisors or children’s psychologists, can also be called in to provide advice and guidance during the negotiation process.
Collaborative law allows the parties involved to retain control of the process and prevents the need for a third party (i.e. the Court) to determine the outcome of the settlement.
Rafton Family Lawyers is a member of the Western Sydney Collaborative Family Lawyers network, which can help facilitate access to a wide variety of experts.
De-facto relationship breakdowns
The laws relating to de-facto couples are different to those of married couples, however we can still achieve the best outcome for you when necessary.
At Rafton Family Lawyers, we can help you to negotiate agreements relating to property and assets before you enter a de-facto relationship or during your relationship. We can also help you to reach a binding property settlement following a relationship breakdown and represent you in court if required (whether that pertains to property or children’s issues).
For more information on this area, click on the relevant link below:
Children's issues
Divorce is an extremely difficult time for children and we aim to minimise the impact of the process on them, and keep their rights in mind, whether we are negotiating where they will live, who they will live with and how often the other parent sees them.
Importantly, in the majority of cases, we can help our clients to resolve any issues regarding children without the intervention of the Court, which reduces a lot of the emotional trauma that may be faced by children asked to attend Court.
For more information on this area, click on the relevant link below:
Parenting Arrangements
Parenting Orders
Non-Compliance or Breach of Court Orders
Mediation and Conferences
DNA Testing
Child support rights and obligations
Child support is one of the most complicated and emotionally charged issues facing families after a marriage breakdown.
The most important thing to ensure is that the child/children are adequately supported financially. We can help you to negotiate informal child support arrangements, and help you to understand your rights and obligations with regard to financial support.
We can also help custodial parents in their dealings with the Child Support Agency and assist non-custodial parents in negotiating child support and appealing unfair assessments by the CSA.
For more information on this area, click on the relevant link below:
Parenting Arrangements
Parenting Orders
Child Support
DNA Testing
Mediation and dispute resolution
For most couples and families, the first step is always to try and resolve differences without going to Court.
At Rafton Family Lawyers, our professional team of lawyers are trained in the process of mediation and alternative dispute resolution. They can provide advice and guidance to you and your former partner that will resolve issues fairly and equitably without the need to involve a Court. This is often beneficial in the early stages of a dispute and can prevent ongoing arguments and tension over issues.
For more information on this area, click on the relevant link below:
Domestic violence issues and AVOs
Domestic violence is a serious matter. If you have any immediate fears for your safety, or that of your children, please contact the police for assistance and/or protection.
There are many different forms of domestic violence and abuse, and unfortunately some relationship breakdowns are affected by this issue. We can help you to apply for an Apprehended Violence Order that prohibits your ex partner or spouse from coming within a certain distance of you or your family if you are the victim of domestic violence. We can also recommend a number of support services and temporary refuges that may be able to help you.
We can also help to defend an application for an AVO that has been made against you if the allegations are unfounded and untrue.
For more information on this area, click on the relevant link below:

Licensed Conveyancer
Natalie Currall
Natalie is a licensed conveyancer and oversees all of the firms contracts for sale and family law settlements in conjunction with solicitor Kiran Grewal from our property team.
Natalie has over 25 years experience and is well connected in the local Hawkesbury area. Prior to working with Rafton Natalie was with a local firm in the area undertaking all conveyancing work. Natalie is based at our Richmond office but able to travel and see clients as required. When not undertaking property work, Natalie is an avid horse lover and travels with her family to show jumping events across Australia.

Read our plain English handbooks
These fact sheets are designed to provide an overview of the relevant issues and systems so that you have a better understanding of the process.

Rafton Conveyancing - Your Experts in Property
Whether you are buying or selling your first home, an investment property or a block of land, having an experienced legal team on hand to guide you through the process and ensure your transaction runs smoothly is critical. That’s where Rafton Conveyancying can help.

Rafton Arbitration & Mediation Brochure
Ensure that your clients are given the best possible opportunity to exit the Court process with a professional and efficient resolution to their family law dispute.