Family Law and the Notion of Supervision

Family Law and the Notion of Supervision

Whilst not a long term option, the issue of supervision is one that is considered by the Courts on a daily basis. The Family Law Act 1975 places a significant emphasis on the need to maintain the relationship between children and each of their parents whilst...
Separation – the First Steps

Separation – the First Steps

When a couple separates it can be one of the most stressful events in an adult life.  Some literature suggests that the breakdown of a relationship is the second most distressing incident a person can experience aside from the loss of a child. Not unlike the loss of a...
Parenting Arrangements

Parenting Arrangements

After separation, there will often be a period where there is some uncertainty about future arrangements for the children. Couples essentially have three options available to them for making arrangements for future parenting:- By Informal Agreement By Parenting Plan...
Parenting Orders

Parenting Orders

In some cases, an application to the Court will be required to obtain formal arrangements concerning the care of the children. It does not make any difference whether your Parenting Orders are made by consent or by a Magistrate at the Local Court, or by a Judge....
De Facto Property Settlement

De Facto Property Settlement

Following the breakdown of a de facto relationship there are often parenting and property issues to work out. Parenting issues will always come under the umbrella of the Family Court, please refer to the relevant sections on parenting for more information on this...