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Family Law Fact Sheets
Girl holding parents hands
Parenting Orders

Parenting Orders

In some cases, an application to the Court will be required to obtain formal arrangements concerning the care of the children. It does not make any difference whether your Parenting Orders are made by consent or by a Magistrate at the Local Court, or by a Judge....

Family Law Fact Sheets
Model of house with man in suit holding key
Property Orders

Property Orders

Property orders are typically very difficult to change or set aside in the absence of an agreement. There are basically only five circumstances in which the Court may be persuaded to change property Orders.  These circumstances are: Both parties consent - in this...

Family Law Fact Sheets
Couple sitting across from judge
Going to Court

Going to Court

Both the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court are located in the Commonwealth Law Courts Building on the corner of George and O’Connell Streets, Parramatta (directly opposite Parramatta Park). Arriving at Court When you first arrive at Court you will have to...

Family Law Fact Sheets
Father hugging son and daughter reading a book
Child Support

Child Support

Child support legislation was first introduced in 1989. The effect of the legislation was to change the calculation of child support from Court determined and payee collected, to an amount calculated by a mathematical formula and collected by the Child Support...

Family Law Fact Sheets
Person in lab with face mask on using a micropipette
DNA Testing

DNA Testing

In some family law matters involving children, there can be a dispute as to the paternity of the child in question.  Disputes as to paternity can also arise in the context of child support applications, as the child support agency has very clear guidelines on who...

Read our plain English handbooks

These fact sheets are designed to provide an overview of the relevant issues and systems so that you have a better understanding of the process.

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Rafton Arbitration & Mediation Brochure

Ensure that your clients are given the best possible opportunity to exit the Court process with a professional and efficient resolution to their family law dispute.